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Free Webinars

We recognise drug and alcohol issues are complex and ever-changing. To help you keep abreast of these changes we regularly run free webinars that address emerging drug and alcohol issues and their impact on the workplace.

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P a s t   V i d e o s

 DASA Webinars

The Rise of Synthetic Opioids -
What you need to know

This presentation keeps you informed of synthetic opioids and their impact in the workplace.


 DASA Webinars

Trends in Drug and Alcohol Use: Insights from the Data

This webinar takes a look at the latest data and emerging trends around drug and alcohol use in Australia and the world -  and what it means for workplaces.

 DASA Webinars

Cocaine – Workplace Implications

This webinar provides an informative discussion of cocaine and the implications for workplaces.

 DASA Webinars

Benzodiazepines – Workplace Implications

This webinar provides an informative discussion of Benzodiazepines and the implications for workplaces.

 DASA Webinars

MDMA, Magic Mushrooms & the TGA

This webinar provides an interesting and informative discussion of MDMA and psilocybin and the recent Australian TGA decision to approve their use in treatment.

 DASA Webinars

Medicinal Cannabis in the Workplace

This webinar provides a practical discussion of strategies for managing medicinal cannabis to ensure workplace safety.

 DASA Webinars

Amphetamine-type stimulants and implications for the workplace

This webinar provides an informative and interesting discussion of amphetamine-type stimulants and implications for the workplace

 DASA Webinars

Am I Fit for Work? Understanding Safe Use of Medicines Webinar

This webinar provides a practical discussion of strategies for managing medicines to ensure workplace safety.

 DASA Webinars

Safe and Effective Use of Cough & Cold Medicines What really works?

This webinar provides a practical discussion of cough and cold medicines and implications for the workplace.

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